The Friends of Ashburnham & Penhurst Churches

Preserving the past,    Enjoying the present,    Ensuring the future


Ashburnham Church

St Peter’s Church, Ashburnham, stands within the grounds of Ashburnham Place. 


There seems to have been a church at Ashburnham since as early as 1086, and the list of vicars begins in 1399.  But no part of the present building can be put earlier than about 1400, and the greater part of the church as it is now was built by John Ashburnham (1603-1671) and his brother William in the second half of the 17th century, soon after the Restoration. 


Today the church has a lively congregation, and its members are active in every aspect of village life.




Penhurst Church

St Michael’s the Archangel, Penhurst is a fourteenth century Perpendicular Grade 1 listed building.   It is situated in a remote rural setting next door to Penhurst Retreat Centre which was formerly the Manor House. 


Services at the church follow the Book of Common Prayer and  members of the congregation are drawn from a variety of surrounding towns and villages.


The two churches form a united Benefice, with a Priest in Charge.




The need

Neither of these two ancient buildings receives any help from the state or the diocese towards their upkeep  or repair. 


For many generations, local families have been baptised, married or buried here, but the small rural congregations struggle to  find the significant amounts of money needed to repair windows or stonework, or to deal with modern building requirements.


The Friends of Ashburnham and Penhurst Churches aim to raise funds for the maintenance, repair and enhancement of the buildings and grounds.


You can help by becoming a Friend, supporting us with regular donations, and attending the special events and money-raising activities that we run from time to time.




How to Join

Download the application form below today and be part of preserving these two lovely country churches for future generations.

A minimum annual subscription of £10 will entitle you to regular newsletters and advance notice of special events.


Friends Application form A4.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [308.6 KB]

Contact Us

Trustees:   Bob Andrew, Richard Bickersteth and Jennifer Oldroyd


Address:  The Friends of Ashburnham and Penhurst Churches, Agmerhurst House, Ashburnham, Battle, East Sussex TN33 9NB




Secretary: Jennifer Oldroyd



Registered Charity No. 208338



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