Diary of events


Morning Prayer                                                      Third Sunday @ Ashburnham


                                                        Second and Fourth Sundays @ Penhurst






11 am


9.15 am

St Peter's Church

Sunday Club for 4+ years 

Penhurst Church


Holy Communion                          Second and Fourth Sundays @ Ashburnham                                                   

First and Third Sundays @ Penhurst


11 am


9.15 am

St Peters Church

Sunday Club for 4+ years

Penhurst Church


Morning Service                                                           First Sunday of the month




11 am

St Peters Church              Sunday Club for 4+ years

United Service                                                            Fifth Sunday of the month 



10.30 am

Alternates between the two churches




Wednesday PLAY CAFE (Parent and Toddler Group)

Currently suspended


Adults must be accompanied by at least one baby or toddler. All are very welcome to come for coffee, chatter and play. Plenty of fun… we have a broad range of toys, organised creative messy play, outside garden, a book corner, quiet space for the tiny tots, singing and story-time. It would be really great to see you, so please feel free to come along and check us out.

For more information please call 01424 612324

If she is not in leave a message and telephone number and she will call you back as soon as she can.




10am-12pm St Peter's Church Hall
Thursday Bell Ringing - Currently suspended      

The Ashburnham Bell Ringers ring the bells at St. Peter's most Sunday mornings and practise on Thursday evenings. They are a relaxed and friendly bunch who welcome complete newcomers and experienced ringers alike.

If you would like to join them, please contact Sharon Hamby on 01424 892029, or email to hamby.frankwell@gmail.com





CONNECT Fellowship Groups      


Fellowship Groups provide an informal opportunity to meet together around God’s Word, the Bible, to encourage one another, to pray together, to discuss or ask questions, and grow in Christian fellowship. Fellowship Groups are an ‘open door’ to anyone who wishes to come along - all are welcome! For details of           existing Fellowship Groups, including CONNECT (a mid-week Bible Study) please refer to The Post (our weekly Newsletter) or contact the Vicar.  






Prayer lies at the very heart of a Christian’s relationship with the living God and we want to encourage one another in the discipline and joy of daily prayer. We make sure it is a feature of our coming together as a church family each  Sunday (both through lay-led intercessions and a Prayer Ministry Team) and at our monthly Prayer Hour. The Prayer Hour currently takes place via zoom on the third Tuesday of each month between 7.30 pm and 8.30 pm. Please see ‘The Post’ for access details


An opportunity to pray together for local and global concerns and to give thanks for the way that God works amongst us. All welcome.


COFFEE STOP at the Pavilion

First Friday of each month

An opportunity to meet for a chat and a coffee [or tea] run by the ladies of the village.




10.30am Ashburnham Pavilion
MEN'S BREAKFAST [quarterly]      


Please join us at Ashburnham Church’s next Men’s Breakfast and It would be great if you could invite some friends along too.


Please contact John French on j.french678@btinternet.com 

 to book a place or to ask for more details



8.30 am - 10 am  

Why give to Ashburnham Church and Penhurst Church?

All the activities at St Peter’s Parish Church and Penhurst Parish Church are paid for by the generosity of those who attend. There's no central funding from the Church of England or the government, rather everything comes from those who give. Therefore, the cost of ministry (having a Vicar), children’s work, pastoral care, outreach, music, administration, heating and lighting, insurance and maintaining the buildings (the Church and the Church Hall) is significant.

The only way in which we can do all these activities is through church members and friends from the local community and beyond partnering with us financially to support these areas of ministry. Our motivation to give as Christians ultimately comes from the Lord Jesus, who has given everything for us: ‘For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.’


To make a one-off gift or to support the local church regularly please call: 01424 612324

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© St Peter's Ashburnham