Services based on the Book of Common Prayer are held every Sunday at 9.15 a.m. Refreshments are served afterwards.
Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and services of Morning Prayer are held on the 2nd, 4th and a United Service on the 5th Sunday (either at Ashburnham or Penhurst Churches)
Special services are held on Plough Sunday, on Rogation Sunday, at Lammastide, at Harvest, on Remembrance Sunday, on Christmas Day and on Easter Day. An Advent Carol Service is held on Advent Sunday, a Christmas Carol Service on the third Sunday before Christmas and a Passiontide Service on Palm Sunday.
All are welcome at these services.
The church is a fourteenth century Perpendicular Grade 1 listed building. It is situated in a remote rural setting next door to the Manor House which is now Penhurst Retreat Centre.
The church is open every day from 10.00am to early evening.
Rector: Revd Gary Cregeen 01424 612324 Email:
Churchwardens: Kim Shaw (01424 893003) and Matthew Iles (07984 965691)
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is: Matthew Iles