Welcome to the website for the united benefice of Ashburnham with Penhurst. Here you will find information about our churches, and the events and activities which are part of our church and village life. Our desire is to know, love and to follow Jesus Christ in our homes, our church family and in the communities where we live and work.
Sunday Services
9.15 am at Penhurst (TN33 9QP)
11 am at Ashburnham (TN33 9NE)
At Ashburnham and Penhurst we aim to be churches that are accessible to everyone; to be a place where people feel welcome and can experience something of the love of God.
Gathering together is part of our regular rhythm as Christians. We come together to worship God each Sunday, to sing hymns and songs, pray, listen to God’s word, support and encourage each other, and to remember with bread and wine what Jesus has done for us.
At Penhurst we use the Book of Common Prayer (BCP), while at Ashburnham Common Worship (CW) is used primarily.
These services reflect the traditional and contemporary breadth of liturgy in the Church of England and, with Ashburnham Chapel, seek to offer services which are welcoming, meaningful and accessible to all.
All these services are open to everyone - see the DIARY for more details.
Refreshments are served afterwards.
There are few emotions more powerful than hope. We all want it, but these days, between wars, climate change, and the cost of living crisis, real hope often feels hard to come by. But real hope is what the Christian faith claims to offer: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present. It sounds good ... but is it true? Whatever you do or don't believe, this short course offers the opportunity to explore, to discuss, to question, and to discover the source of hope, peace and purpose. Hope Explored is being run by Revd Gary over three informal evening sessions during March. Contact him on 01424 612324 for more details.
This year marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea which resulted in the adoption of the Nicene Creed. This Spring in our sermon series we are reminding ourselves of the truth of the God we confess by looking at the Nicene Creed ... because our confession of God is at the heart of daily Christian living, is the source of our confidence in the face of the trials we face in life, and the foundation of our hope.
We are fully committed to the safety of everyone in our care; and follow guidance on policy and practise issued by the House of Bishops, in line with the requirements of the Diocese of Chichester. Click here for more information.